Find Support and Advice
Below are details of organisations that can help you with a range of things from education, employment advice through to volunteering and help with claiming benefits and your consumer rights. If you need help, advice or just information one of the organisations listed below should be able to offer you the advice, information or help you need.

Barnsley Citizens Advice Bureau
Shambles Street
South Yorkshire
S70 2SQ
Online at: or Tel: 0344 111444
Provides impartial advice on a wide range of things including:- debt, housing, benefits, employment and consumer.
Click to visit website

Barnsley Welfare Rights
Welfare Rights: 01226 775577
Mon, Tue,Thurs 10.00am to
Wed, Fri 10.00am to 4.30pm
Helping Residents in Barnsley with all aspects of claiming benefits and tax credits.
Click To visit website

Barnsley JobCentre Plus
Cooper House
59 Peel Street
S70 2RL
Telephone: 0845 604 3719
Your local jobcentre can administer claims:- Jobseeker's Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Income Support.