Forge Community Partnership Logo and Link

Information & Advice

Looming Crisis banner showing fuel and energy icons

Financial support for households

Many people experience financial difficulties for different reasons and might not realise they are entitled to help. You might be able to get help and advice to make changes, so you have more money coming in and less money going out. Find out how you could save money or get help in a range of areas on the BMBC website:-Click to visit BMBC website

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Citizens Advice Drop In

Poster showing times of drop in advice sessions
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Hoyland Free Food Offer

Hoyland Community Fridge

Saving food from landfill, donated by local supermarkets and food retailers. Sharing equally and fairly with the community for free, filling fridges, plates and bellies. Please bring a bag & fill it up, This is NOT a food bank, anyone can visit!

We have moved to:- 18 King Street, Hoyland

All welcome, bring a bag, take what food you need for FREE!

Community Fridge Opening Times - Tuesday 5pm-7pm, Friday & Saturday 9am-12 Noon
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Food Bank Access

Barnsley food bank poster with link to Website
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Berneslai Homes Tenant

If you're worried about paying your rent, your bills and keeping your home, please phone us on 01226 787878. We're here to listen, offer practical advice and arrange support that will help you.

Our Tenants First Team are working to support tenants in various ways to be able to pay their rent and manage their money. Many tenants have been helped to access thousands of pounds in unclaimed benefits and grants they were entitled to. Additionally, lots of tenants are now receiving ongoing support from us and other agencies as part of the wider support package we offer.

Call us on:- 01226 787878

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Ex Miners

Coalfields Regeneration Trust Grants available to help with fuel costs for former Coal Miners
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Yorkshire Water Bills

Support from Yorkshire Water- Help Paying Your Bills

Click here to visit Yorkshire Water

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DIAL Barnsley

If you or anyone you know is worried about their Energy bills our warm connections team can help. Chat to our Warm Connection Team who can help you to understand your energy bills and switch suppliers, all to save energy to keep your costs down.

Call:- 01226 240273


Latest News

Download the latest guidance/update on the extra support/payments announced by the Government to help with the cost of living

Cick Here to Download (PDF)

Cick Here For Website

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Help Online

If you don't have internet access them visit Hoyland Library

Click the organisation to visit:-

The above sites are reputable and offer help and advice on a range of relevant subjects

When using the internet to find answers and solution to issues always be alert to scams as unscrupulous people will try to take advantage

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Energy Voucher

Struggling financially and have a pre-payment meter, you can contact your energy provider and ask for a 'fuel voucher' if you have less than £4 on your meter; and you don't get paid for several days

A fuel voucher is a £49 voucher that can be applied to your meter. The vouchers can be applied up to twice in one year and you don't have to repay them

Visit BMBC Website

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Your Wellbeing

Unique Me advert for courses call 07933 355437
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Learn New Skills

Ad for Horticulture and Grounds maintenance course

Horticulture and grounds maintenance course for unemployed people in Hoyland for full details click on image above (opens in PDF)

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Things To Do

Download the PDF Booklet
on Things to do in
Hoyland Milton and Rockingham

Download Here

A short blue dividing line Image of finger pointing and words We Need You circling it A short blue dividing line